12 January 2011

26, Awww!

This might sounds embarrassing–it is indeed, but I want to share this for no reason. Yesterday, I've received my report paper, and what was written there really broke me down, that I can't help but to cry my eyes out. I've predicted this result, though. But to see and feel it the real way, I was head over heels not ready–never ready actually.
I got this numbers, 26, as my class rank from 48 students. And 83 from total 531 second-year-of-SHS students in my school. These, I can bear. But 2 insufficient marks, it was utterly insufferable. I got 73 for Maths and 74 for Physics, which was the fruit of my inertness. Neither to exaggerate nor to boast, but this was the worst result I've ever got. And I have another reason that makes me feel really crestfallen about this. But the reason, this isn't something I can share with people. We do have our own secret, don't we ?
About my parents, they felt dismay, of course. They didn't show it to me, but my sister said that their faces fell when she informed them. Yes, I told my sister beforehand, and she was the one who told them. Gross! But it's okay now, although I needed time to convince myself about that. Last but not least, thanks to SPU, who assured me that I still have chance in this semester.

Nothing ends here.
I still have a long journey to experience,
a big world to explore,
and people I love to deal with.


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